United Academia

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Novgorodcev science readings


At Plekhanov Russian University of Economics an International science and practice conference “Novgorodcev science readings” was held


At Plekhanov Russian University of Economics an International science and practice conference “Novgorodcev science readings” was held 

On 24th of March (2016) the first International science and practice conference entitled "Novgorodcev science readings" on a topic: "Eurasian world: law and economics", organized by Educational and Scientific Center "Jurisprudence" of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

At the conference presented: Ekimov A., Doctor of Law, Professor, Head the department of theory and history of state and law of PRUE with a report on "Intellectuals and the right"; R. Kurbanov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of Civil Law and Procedure, with a report on "Eurasian Integration and the Justice"; S. Zankovsky, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of Sector of Business Law of GPI RAS, with a report on "Problems and perspectives of legal regulation of business contracts"; Lopatin V., Doctor of Law, professor, Head of the Basic Department of Intellectual Property Management NSRIIP, Director General of the International Intellectual Property Corporation NSRIIP, with a report on "Eurasian intellectual property as the economy of the future and its control"; Ustinovich E., doctor of political sciences, professor, director of Research Center "Jurisprudence", with the report "Political aspects of the Euroasian integration"; Abuzyarova N., doctor of law, professor of department of civil law and process, with the report "Economical and legal aspects of salary"; Gureev V., doctor of law, professor of department of civil law and process, with the report "The new bill of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of debtors: increased requirements to professional execution creditors or an opportunity for abuses of debtors?"; A. Aryamov, doctor of law, professor of department of criminal law and procedure, with a report on "International standards in the field of restitution of illegally derived assets abroad"; T. Zulfugarzade, PhD, associate professor, dean of the faculty of law, with a report on "Improving the legal system of training at the leading universities of Russia."

During the Plenary conference meeting a cooperation agreement between PRUE (Research Center "Jurisprudence") and Saytamskim University (Daigaku Saitama, Japan) was signed.



Ключевые слова: Российский экономический университет имени Г. В. Плеханова, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

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