United Academia

Digest of News and Events in International Academia.
Published in Washington, D.C., United States.

Welcome to Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

Welcome to PRUE

Our Mission: the leadership in training professionals with all-round view in the field of economics, based on the synthesis of historical traditions, scientific innovations and successful and sustainable development of the university;Mission of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics consists in: development and spreading of applied economic and commercial education on the basis of the combination of historical heritage and entrepreneurial traditions as the most essential social value; educating learned and qualified individuals, who are able to become leaders in the global economy.

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics is an accredited Governmental institution licensed to deliver higher education and additional educational services. Status of "University" means that the institution of higher (undergraduate & graduate) and post-graduate education is specialized in a particular field - Economics & Management.

University is the largest economic educational institution in Russia and the former Soviet Union. It consists of the following faculties: General Economics; International Business Relations; International Business School (IBS- Plekhanov); Finance, Accounting and Banking; Economics and Management; Taxation Policy; Commercial Engineering; Business Administration; Economic Cybernetics; Retailing; Economics of Enterprises; Political Studies and Law; Faculty of Business and MBA School.

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanov University offers a two-level system of economic and business education. The first level - a four year full-time Bachelor Degree Program primarily aims at conveying a broad knowledge of fundamentals of economics and business studies. The second level - two year full-time Master Degree Program - will gain students professional skills focusing more closely on their chosen field.

Our graduates are capable young people engaged in all aspects of the nation's industry, economy and commerce. Except for those students who choose to go on further study, the employment rate of graduates is extremely high. We are very proud that many of the most famous scientists, economists, political and business leaders, diplomats and other professionals now active in the new Russian economy are Plekhanov trained. We are also especially proud of the fact that the Plekhanov diploma is certified by UNESCO. We try to create all the conditions for the highest level of education including the opportunity to get acquainted with leading Western Universities during academic study abroad.

We want to have among our graduates really professional, highly educated and intelligent people.


QS World University Rankings Juridical Faculty, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Juridical Faculty, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Mission: training leaders who are in-demand for the Russian economy — lawyers and political scientists capable of continuous self-development, acquisition of new knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them practically in their professional activity.

Juridical Faculty, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Juridical Faculty (Faculty of Law) is the youngest faculty of PRUE, established in 2006, where the integrated approach to the study of economic law is implemented. It helps to solve a typical problem of the lack of knowledge in the field of economics for the lawyers and lack of legal knowledge for the economists. Importance of the law and political science specialists in the present - day society requires particular attention to training professionals in this field. The students of the Faculty learn to apply the law on the basis of constitutional provisions, to analyze the judicial and other law enforcement practices, to be professionally ready to defend human and civil rights. Juridical Faculty is internationally recognized. In 2010 it became a member of the International Law Association.

In autumn 2013, the faculty was gratitude "ConsultantPlus", comp. for the organization of scientific events.

Cooperating with various government authorities of the Russian Federation and providing a classical legal education taking into account the present-day reality the high quality faculty got well known and recognized in different fields of the science and practice of law.

For today there are about 700 full-time and part time students undergoing training on bachelor and masters programmes of the Faculty.

Educational programs of the Juridical Faculty

Jurisprudence (~ 500 students)

Political science (~ 200 students)

Ключевые слова: Российский экономический университет имени Г. В. Плеханова, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE)

В Высшей школе права РЭУ им.Г.В.Плеханова состоялось вручение дипломов выпускникам-бакалаврам

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Гражданско-правовое обеспечение смарт-контрактов

Студентка Высшей школы права РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова из СРВ завоевала диплом второй степени в конкурсе научно-исследовательских работ имени Т.Е. Абовой (ИГП РАН)

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Инвестиционное право

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Евразийское право